
Welcome to Affordable Documentation! Here all guides how to use the Affordable Theme.

Theme Installation

The installing is easy and quick. Shopify support auto installation with a single click. Only need select theme package and wait a min, then publish and customize the Theme.

Requirements before setup

  • After purchase and download the theme package from, you will have downloaded package
  • Extract/unzip the downloaded package file.
  • You will have the SP_Affordable_Mainfiles_Vx folder (with x is sub-version number). Enter this folder you will see:
    • Affordable_Documentation folder: it's me!
    • Affordable_Packages folder: contains 4 theme packages.
    • changelog.txt file: listing all change note.
    • README.txt file: some guide to use theme.

One-click Installation

  • From Your Shopify AdminOnline StoreThemes
  • On the Themes page, will display all Shopify themes that installed.
  • In Theme library section, click to Add theme button, then select Upload zip file
  • In the Upload theme popup, click to Add file button
  • Browser to the downloaded theme package and select theme package that you want install.
  • Click to Upload button, Shopify will auto upload and install the package.
  • When the loading icon stop, that meant the Installation completed. Click to the Actions link and select Publish
  • The Publish Build popup will appear, then click to Publish
  • The theme will appear in the Current theme as Live theme of your store.

Video Installation


Apps Instllation

There are a lot of Shopify Apps released. So, we can not install all of they and test to make they work right in our theme. So, we will NOT warrant our theme will work right 100% in all Shopify Apps!

Here is the listing Apps that used or tested in the theme:

Product Review App

Link to install Product Review App

This is free App and developed by Shopify, so we recommend this app to create the review function. The simplest way to share your customers' experiences.

Orbelo App

Link to install Orbelo App

The App has Free plan. Find products to sell on Shopify. This is awesome App, it helps import and control products from AliExpress site. It's the best solution to create the Dropshipping site.

G | translate Shop Translator

Link to install G | translate Shop Translator

The App has Free plan. Translate shop, translate apps w/ Google language translation.

Smile: Rewards & Loyalty

Link to install Smile: Rewards & Loyalty

The App has Free plan. Points & referrals. Attract & retain your most loyal customers.


Customize (Shopify Theme Editor)

From Your Shopify AdminOnline StoreThemes . Here is area that you can control the theme style.

Theme page have 2 areas:

  • Live theme: display the Publish Theme.
  • Theme Library: listing all draft themes. New theme install will appear here.

Click to Customize button of the Publish or Draft theme to edit. The Customize page appear look like:

There are 6 group area:

  1. Left Panel: listing all sections of the viewing page.
  2. Theme Settings: listing all general settings.
  3. View page: you can select the page to control.
  4. Helpful tools: include Responsive view (Desktop, Mobile, Full Width), Change history, Save button.
  5. Right Panel: dislay all settings that you pick in the Left Pabel. In the small view, this panel don't appear.
  6. Main content: Real view site content. Some settings need wait to reload complete to update new.

Theme Settings

The Theme settings is where you’ll be able to make global changes to your store or sections, including text and background color changes, typography selection, and more. All settings will appear in the Right sidebar after you click to Theme settings text at the bottom of Left Sidebar.

CustomizeTheme Settings (2)Right Panel (5)

These group settings of the Theme Settings inclide (click to title to read):


The group include a lot of Color options use to change the color style of the theme. Each color option have the description which area it will change to. Color option support color picker will easily to pick the idea color.

Group Colors settings include color options:

  • Colors General
  • Colors Header
  • Navigation
  • SlideShow
  • Colors Newletter
  • Product
  • Button general
  • Button general hover
  • Colors Footer

Easy to change the color by click to the Color and pick the value that you want.


Input Google Enbed code and input Google Font name.

General Settings

Listing all options to enable/disable the Theme functions.

Product Item

Listing all options to control elements related to Product elements.

options include:

Product labels
  1. Promotion label: From Product Item, you can config the Promotion labels by inputting the syntax -[percent]% and changing the label color.
    This label will auto-set when a product has a special price. Leave the "Promotion label text" empty to disable this label.

  2. Other labels: such as Hot, New, Best,...
    Please follow these steps:
       - Step #1: From Your Shopify AdminSettingsMetafieldsProducts

       - Step #2: click to top/right Add Definition button, then input new field value:
                Name:Product labels
                Description:Product labels
                Select content type:JSON

       - Step #3: From Your Shopify AdminProductsAll Products
       - Step #4: select the product that you want show label, then scroll down to Metafields area.
       - Step #5: In Product labels row, input the JSON bundle syntax value:
                        "text": "Hot",
                        "color": "#fea348"
                        "text": "New",
                        "color": "#84d8e3"

                Replace the Text and Color value that you want for these labels.

       - Result:

Quick View Settings

Listing all options to control the Quickview popup.

options include:

Product Options - Filters

Listing all options to control the Filter.

Options Mapping

Option is the setting for the type of product option in Detail page.

There are 5 type:

  • Image
  • Color
  • Size
  • Dropdown
  • Radio

Syntax is: product_option_name : type | other_product_option_name : type


  • your product option is Color and you want set it display variant as color box, you need input Color:color
  • your product option is Color and you want set it display variant as image, you need input Color:image

Title variant show Colors

Option to set the color text in your language.

Colors Mapping

Option is the setting for the custom color (hex color) of variant in Filter (Collection Page)).

Syntax is: color_name : color_hex_code | color_name : color_hex_code

Example: you have custom color called Crimson and want set the hex color #DC143C for it. You need input Crimson:#DC143C

Article Item

Listing all options to control the Article item.

My Account Page

Listing all options to control the Account page.

Social Media

Listing all options to control the Social icons.


Listing option to upload the Favicon.

Currency Format

You also can control the Currency code in here such as USD, EUR,...

Affordable theme support to show multi currencty, to have it need follow these steps:

  1. From Your Shopify AdminSettingsGeneral Payment
  2. Select the Payment method that you are using
  3. Scroll down to Countries/regions area
  4. Add Countries that you want your store support.


This settings use to Customize the Checkout page. This option automatically render by Shopify. Because the Checkout page was controlled by Shopify. They only allow the field to custom the page such as upload Logo, change font, color,... these fields can not change.

Actions function of Live Theme

There are 6 actions function:

  • View: view the live/publish theme as your customer view.
  • Rename: change theme name package.
  • Duplicate: clone this theme package.
  • Download theme file: Download the theme to your email.
  • Edit code: you can edit the theme code. Please take care when you change anything here. Because your change can make the site or the theme function broken. You need Duplicate as the backup before editing code. Here is the danger zone.
  • Edit Language: change the theme language to other language.

Actions function of Draft Theme

There are 8 actions function:

  • Preview: view the this theme as draft view.
  • Publish: set this theme as Live theme.
  • Rename: change theme name package.
  • Duplicate: clone this theme package.
  • Download theme file: Download the theme to your email.
  • Edit code: you can edit the theme code. Please take care when you change anything here. Because your change can make the site or the theme function broken. You need Duplicate as the backup before editing code. Here is the danger zone.
  • Edit Language: change the theme language to other language.
  • Remove: delete this theme.


From  Sections listing  of  Customize (Theme Editor)Header  section

All options of appear in the Right sidebar

  1. Top Banner: Add the Top banner image.
  2. Logo Shop: you can upload your Shop logo in Desktop and Mobile, also can control the size of logo.
  3. More Header: select menu to show in the More dropdown
  4. Country/region Selector: use to control the Currency dropdown. Click here to know how to setup this dropdown.
  5. Search Setting: select type to show Search bar, type of result and autocomplete.
  6. Menu Setting: Main menu settings.

    Click here to read how to setup Main menu Categories: menu and Mega menu

CustomizeHeader sectionMenu Setting Select the Menu that you want show as Main menu (Horizontal).

  • Edit the existed Mega menu: Under the Header sectionSub Menu that you want edit.

  • Or setup new Menu have Mega menu dropdown: Under the Header sectionAdd Sub Menu

  • The Right sidebar will list all settings use to setup the Sub Menu as Mega menu.
    1. Target: You need input right the name of Menu (case-sensitive) that you want set have Mega menu dropdown
      Example, you want set the existed menu Home have Mega menu dropdown, you need input Home

    2. Background: setup the Mega menu background.
    3. Group 1st Column Setting: use to setup 1st column content

      Input the Column Title and the Width Grid for this column content.
      Content of column include:
      - Menu links
      - Product heading
      - Product
      - Article
      - HTML Block/content

    4. Group 2nd Column Setting: use to setup 2nd column content
    5. Group 3rd Column Setting: use to setup 3rd column content
    6. Group 4th Column Setting: use to setup 4th column content
    7. Group 5th Column Setting: use to setup 5th column content
    8. Group 6th Column Setting: use to setup 6th column content

  1. Target: Input Home
  2. 1st Column Setting:
    - 1st Column: Enable: check to enable.
    - 1st Column: Width: set 1/4
    - 1st Column: HTML Block: Input HTML Image and Link content. Example: <a href="#" class="col-image"><img src="" alt=""></a><div class="col-title">STORE 1</div>
  3. 2nd Column Setting:
    - 2nd Column: Enable: check to enable.
    - 2nd Column: Width: set 1/4
    - 2nd Column: HTML Block: Input HTML Image and Link content. Example: <a href="#" class="col-image"><img src="" alt=""></a><div class="col-title">STORE 2</div>
  4. 3rd Column Setting:
    - 3rd Column: Enable: check to enable.
    - 3rd Column: Width: set 1/4
    - 3rd Column: HTML Block: Input HTML Image and Link content. Example: <a href="#" class="col-image"><img src="" alt=""></a><div class="col-title">STORE 3</div>
  5. 4th Column Setting:
    - 4th Column: Enable: check to enable.
    - 4th Column: Width: set 1/4
    - 4th Column: HTML Block: Input HTML Image and Link content. Example: <a href="#" class="col-image"><img src="" alt=""></a><div class="col-title">STORE 4</div>


  1. Target: Input All Collections
  2. 1st Column Setting:
    - 1st Column: Enable: check to enable.
    - 1st Column: Width: set 1/4
    - 1st Column: Menu heading: Input Title such as Fashions
    - 1st Column: Menu links: Select the Menu that you want show.
  3. 2nd Column Setting:
    - 2nd Column: Enable: check to enable.
    - 2nd Column: Width: set 1/4
    - 2nd Column: Menu heading: Input Title such as Electronics
    - 2nd Column: Menu links: Select the Menu that you want show.
  4. 3rd Column Setting:
    - 3rd Column: Enable: check to enable.
    - 3rd Column: Width: set 1/4
    - 3rd Column: Menu heading: Input Title such as Home & Garden
    - 3rd Column: Menu links: Select the Menu that you want show.
  5. 4th Column Setting:
    - 4th Column: Enable: check to enable.
    - 4th Column: Width: set 1/4
    - 4th Column: Product: Select Product that you want show.


  1. Target: Input Shop Layout
  2. 1st Column Setting:
    - 1st Column: Enable: check to enable.
    - 1st Column: Width: set 1/3
    - 1st Column: Menu heading: Input Title such as Collection Styles
    - 1st Column: Menu links: Select the Menu that you want show.
  3. 2nd Column Setting:
    - 2nd Column: Enable: check to enable.
    - 2nd Column: Width: set 1/3
    - 2nd Column: Menu heading: Input Title such as Product Styles
    - 2nd Column: Menu links: Select the Menu that you want show.
  4. 3rd Column Setting:
    - 3rd Column: Enable: check to enable.
    - 3rd Column: Width: set 1/3
    - 3rd Column: Menu heading: Input Title such as Product Types
    - 3rd Column: Menu links: Select the Menu that you want show.


  1. Target: Input Pages
  2. Background: Upload Background image.
  3. 1st Column Setting:
    - 1st Column: Enable: check to enable.
    - 1st Column: Width: set 1/3
    - 1st Column: Menu heading: we don't input to disable Title
    - 1st Column: Menu links: Select the Menu that you want show.
  4. 2nd Column Setting:
    - 2nd Column: Enable: check to enable.
    - 2nd Column: Width: set 1/3
    - 2nd Column: Menu heading: we don't input to disable Title
    - 2nd Column: Menu links: Select the Menu that you want show.
  5. 3rd Column Setting:
    - 3rd Column: Enable: check to enable.
    - 3rd Column: Width: set 1/3
    - 3rd Column: HTML Block: Input HTML Image and Link content. Example: <div class="dis_table"><div class="dis_tablecell"><div class="col-caption"><span class="title">COME& DISCOVER</span><span class="content">THE NEW STYLE </span></div><a class="_btn" href="#">SHOP NOW</a></div></div>


  1. Target: Input Blog
  2. 1st Column Setting:
    - 1st Column: Enable: check to enable.
    - 1st Column: Width: set 1/4
    - 1st Column: Menu heading: we don't input to disable Title
    - 1st Column: Menu links: Select the Menu that you want show.
  3. 2nd Column Setting:
    - 2nd Column: Enable: check to enable.
    - 2nd Column: Width: set 1/4
    - 2nd Column: Menu heading: we don't input to disable Title
    - 2nd Column: Menu links: Select the Menu that you want show.
  4. 3rd Column Setting:
    - 3rd Column: Enable: check to enable.
    - 3rd Column: Width: set 1/4
    - 3rd Column: Article: select the Article.
  5. 4th Column Setting:
    - 4th Column: Enable: check to enable.
    - 4th Column: Width: set 1/4
    - 4th Column: Article: select the Article.


It's not Mega menu, so don't need setup Sub Menu. Only need create in the Navigation


From  Sections listing  of  Customize (Theme Editor)Footer  section

Section setting:

  • Footer Logo
  • Country/region Selector
  • Payment method

Block Content: listing all blocks element. To add more, you can click to Add block.
There are 2 block type: Link List and Newsletter

  1. Link List: use tos show links. Option include: Heading, Select link list and Responsive Width.

  2. Newsletter: use to show Newsletter form. Only need input the Heading text and Responsive width.

Cookies bar

From  Sections listing  of  Customize (Theme Editor)Cookies bar  section

In Cookies Bar section, you can change the Text, Timer and Color settings.

Home page Sections

- Please make sure that the Customize view page is Home page. So that it will list all Home page sections (include in theme package) in the Left area.
- With the new Shopify Online Store 2.0 you can use these sections in the Inner pages.
- You also can click to Add section to add more sections. But you can not add/use the sections of Homepage to another Homepage.


From  Sections listing  of  Customize (Theme Editor)Slideshow  section. The Right sidebar will list all settings use to setup the this section.

  1. Display on: Select the screen resolution that you want it appear, include: Desktop or Mobile or both.
  2. Slideshow Settings: settings to control the Slideshow in the middle.
    - Slide effect
    - Auto-rotate slides
    - Change slides every
    - Slide size
    - Navigation (Active and Color) and Pagination (Active and Color) options.

Under Slideshow will list all blocks content of Slide images. You also can click to Add block to add more slide image.

There are 3 block type use for Slideshow content

  1. Image slide: setup the Slide as Image.
    - Slide Background (Desktop): upload image for slide.
    - Slide link, Captions Entrances Effect and Captions Exits Effect.
    - Title: Text, style (Dask or Light) and percent position (x,y) (value from 1%-100%) of this text with the golbal Slide size.
    - Description: Text, style (Dask or Light) and percent position (x,y) (value from 1%-100%) of this text with the golbal Slide size.
    - Action: Text, style (Dask or Light) and percent position (x,y) (value from 1%-100%) of this text with the golbal Slide size.
    - Caption Image #1: upload caption image and percent position (x,y) (value from 1%-100%) of this text with the golbal Slide size.
    - Caption Image #2: upload caption image and percent position (x,y) (value from 1%-100%) of this text with the golbal Slide size.
    - Caption Image #3: upload caption image and percent position (x,y) (value from 1%-100%) of this text with the golbal Slide size.
    - Caption Image #4: upload caption image and percent position (x,y) (value from 1%-100%) of this text with the golbal Slide size.
    - Caption Image #5: upload caption image and percent position (x,y) (value from 1%-100%) of this text with the golbal Slide size.
    - Caption Image #6: upload caption image and percent position (x,y) (value from 1%-100%) of this text with the golbal Slide size.

  2. Video Youtube: setup the Slide as Video from Youtube. Need input the Youtube link into the Video link and Autoplay

  3. Video Files: setup the Slide as Video from your file.
    - From Admin Shopify DashboardSettingsFilesUpload files  and select your local Video file Copy link  of video just uploaded.
    - Paste the link into Video link files
    - Set Autoplay
    - Input Image Loader

Products Slider

From  Sections listing  of  Customize (Theme Editor)Products Slider  section. The Right sidebar will list all settings use to setup the this section.

  1. Display on: Select the screen resolution that you want it appear, include: Desktop or Mobile or both.
  2. Layout: Full width or Container
  3. Margin Top layout
  4. Collection setting
    - Heading
    - Timer: active and value
    - Action text
    - Products of collection - Limit showing

  5. Slider Settings: control the slider
    - Auto-play slides
    - Change slides every
    - Slide effect
    - Space between images
    - Enable navigaiton
    - Enable pagination
  6. Responsive width: 6 range value from Wide Desktop to Mobile to showing product per line.
  7. Banner settings:
    - Active
    - Upload Image
    - Link to
    - Banner hover effect

Banner Grid

From  Sections listing  of  Customize (Theme Editor)Banner Grid  section. The Right sidebar will list all settings use to setup the this section.

  1. Display on: Select the screen resolution that you want it appear, include: Desktop or Mobile or both.
  2. Layout: Full width or Container5
  3. Margin Top value
  4. Image size: settings to control the image re-size.
    - Natural
    - Square (1:1)
    - Landscape (4:3)
    - Slide size
    - Portrait (2:3)
  5. Image Hover Effect

Under Banner Grid will list all banners, click to edit. You also can click to Add Banner to add more.

Banner Grid: Settings for each banner element:
- Upload image
- Heading: Text and Color
- Action: text and color
- Description: text and color
- Responsive width options (6 range value from Wide Desktop to Mobile)

Brands Slider

From  Sections listing  of  Customize (Theme Editor)Brands Slider  section. The Right sidebar will list all settings use to setup the this section.

  1. Display on: Select the screen resolution that you want it appear, include: Desktop or Mobile or both.
  2. Layout: Full width or Container5
  3. Margin Top value
  4. Slider Settings: control the slider
    - Auto-play slides
    - Change slides every
    - Slide effect
    - Space between images
    - Enable navigaiton
    - Enable pagination
  5. Responsive width: 6 range value from Wide Desktop to Mobile to showing product per line.

Under Brands Slider will list all Categories, click to edit. You also can click to Add Brand to add more.

Settings for each Category element:

  • Upload image
  • Link to

Collection Page

General Settings for Collection Page

From  Customize (Theme Editor) Select View page or Preview is CollectionsDefault Collection

The Collection template section will appear in the Left sidebar.

Click to Collection template section , the Right sidebar will list all settings use to setup the Collection page.

Collection template

  1. Show collection title: Active to show Title.
  2. Show collection image: Active to show the Collection image.

  3. Upload collection featured banner: If the collection don't have image, it will show this image as general for all collections.

  4. Enable collection slider: active the Banner Slider.

    Click here to know how to setup it.

  5. Show collection description
  6. Show sub collection: use to show collections listing below the Collection Title.

    To showing the sub-collections, you need to create the Menu with the handle syntax is navigation-[handle collection]

    Example: If you want create the sub collection for WOMEN'S FASHION
       - Step #1: Get the Collection handle. Go to the collection and you will know the handle at the url.
                Now we have the handle collection is Affordable-women

       - Step #2: Go to Online StoreNavigationAdd menu
                + In the right Handle need input syntax navigation-Affordable-women
                + In the Left Bottom Menu items add Menu with target link to Collection that you want set as sub-collection.

       - Result:

  7. Show view as List/Grid: show the Grid/List selector.

  8. Layout: set the default layout of product listing as Grid or List

  9. Enable result: show the counting products.

Collection Layout

Continue with the Collection template section settings in the Right sidebar, scroll down to Collection Page Layout. Then pick the option to show products per line for 6 break responsive point.

Collection Sorting

Continue with the Collection template section settings in the Right sidebar, scroll down to Sorting. Then check to enable/disable the sorting

Collection Block content

Under the Collection Template will list all blocks content. There are 4 block type that you can add more by click to Add block and 1 fixed block type.

Sidebar - Slider images

This block will use to control the Collection Banners Slider.

Under the Collection Template select Slider images. The Right sidebar will list all settings use to setup the this section.

  1. Display on: Select the screen resolution that you want it appear, include: Desktop or Mobile or both.
  2. Slider settings:
    - Auto-play slides
    - Change slides every
    - Slide effect
    - Enable navigaiton
    - Enable pagination
  3. COLLECTION 01: Use to setup the Banner slider for 1st collection.
    - Target: you need input the Collection name that you want setup the banners sldier.
    - Image 01: upload slide image #1.
    - Image 02: upload slide image #2.
    - Image 03: upload slide image #3.
    - Image 04: upload slide image #4.
    - Image 05: upload slide image #5.

  4. COLLECTION 02: Use to setup the Banner slider for 2nd collection.
    - Target: you need input the Collection name that you want setup the banners sldier.
    - Image 01: upload slide image #1.
    - Image 02: upload slide image #2.
    - Image 03: upload slide image #3.
    - Image 04: upload slide image #4.
    - Image 05: upload slide image #5.

Sidebar - Categories listing

This block will use to control the Categories listing in the top of sidebar.

Under the Collection Template select Categories (the exactly name depend on Heading field). The Right sidebar will list all settings use to setup the this section.

Settings include:

  1. Heading: Title block.
  2. Position: select Left Sidebar or Right Sidebar
  3. Display on: Select the screen resolution that you want it appear, include: Desktop or Mobile or both.
  4. Link list: set the Navigation/Menu to show the Categories listing.

You also can add new more Categories by click to Add block and select type is Listing

Sidebar - Filters

This block will use to control the Filter in the sidebar.

Under the Collection Template select Filters. The Right sidebar will list all settings use to setup the this section.

Settings include:

  1. Position: select Left Sidebar or Right Sidebar
  2. Display on: Select the screen resolution that you want it appear, include: Desktop or Mobile or both.

You also can add new more Filters by click to Add block and select type is Filters

Sidebar - Featured products

This block will use to control the Products listing in the sidebar.

Under the Collection Template select Best Sale (the exactly name depend on Heading field). The Right sidebar will list all settings use to setup the this section.

Settings include:

  1. Heading: Title block.
  2. Position: select Left Sidebar or Right Sidebar
  3. Display on: Select the screen resolution that you want it appear, include: Desktop or Mobile or both.
  4. Collection: select Collection to show products

  5. Limit products show
  6. Slider function:
    - Enable slide function?
    - Auto-play slides
    - Change slides every
    - Slide effect
    - Space between images
    - Enable navigaiton
    - Enable pagination
  7. Responsive width: 6 range value from Wide Desktop to Mobile to showing product per line.

You also can add new more Featured products by click to Add block and select type is Featured products

Sidebar - Banner

This block will use to control the Banner in the sidebar.

Under the Collection Template select Banner. The Right sidebar will list all settings use to setup the this section.

Settings include:

  1. Heading: Title block.
  2. Position: select Left Sidebar or Right Sidebar
  3. Display on: Select the screen resolution that you want it appear, include: Desktop or Mobile or both.
  4. Upload banner: upload banner
  5. Link: set the target link.

You also can add new more Banner by click to Add block and select type is Banner

Customize the Layout

With these above settings of the Collection Template section, you can change the layout into different 6 layouts:

  1. Shop Left Sidebar
  2. Shop Right Sidebar
  3. Shop Not Sidebar
  4. Shop List
  5. Shop List Sidebar
  6. Shop List Right Sidebar

Shop Left Sidebar

This is default of Collection page layout. All settings above.

Shop Right Sidebar

Set the Position of all 4 Sidebar blocks: Sidebar - Categories listing, Sidebar - Filters, Sidebar - Featured products ,and Sidebar - Banner to Right sidebar.

Shop Not Sidebar

Remove all 4 Sidebar blocks: Sidebar - Categories listing, Sidebar - Filters, Sidebar - Featured products ,and Sidebar - Banner.
You also can increase the number of product per line from 4 to 5 in the Collection Page Layout


Shop List

  1. From Collection template area, set the Layout option to List

  2. Remove all 4 Sidebar blocks: Sidebar - Categories listing, Sidebar - Filters, Sidebar - Featured products ,and Sidebar - Banner.

Shop List Sidebar

From Collection template area, set the Layout option to List

Shop List Right Sidebar

  1. From Collection template area, set the Layout option to List

  2. Set the Position of all 4 Sidebar blocks: Sidebar - Categories listing, Sidebar - Filters, Sidebar - Featured products ,and Sidebar - Banner to Right sidebar.

Collections Listing Page

From  Customize (Theme Editor) Select View page or Preview is Collection list

The Collections list template section will appear in the Left sidebar.

Click to Collections list template section , the Right sidebar will list all settings use to setup the Collections listing page.

  1. Select collections to show: select
    - All: it will show all collections in your store.
    - Selected: in this case you need click to Add Collection that appear under Collections list template section.

  2. Sort collections by: select option
    - Product count, high to low
    - Product count, low to high
    - Alphabetically, A-Z
    - Alphabetically, Z-A
    - Date, old to new
    - Date, new to old
  3. Show product count
  4. Action text
  5. Image size: select Natural or Square (1:1)or Landscape (4:3)or Portrait (2:3)

  6. Responsive width: 6 range value from Wide Desktop to Mobile to showing product per line.

From  Customize (Theme Editor) Select View page or Preview is OthersSearch

The Search template section will appear in the Left sidebar.

Click to Search template section , the Right sidebar will list all settings use to setup the Search page.

Product Detail Page


Affordable Theme included different 7 Product Detail layouts, and each layout can be changed to 7 different layout Style.

Product Sidebar Layout

This layout is the default Product detail layout of Affordable Theme

From  Customize (Theme Editor) Select View page is ProductsDefault Product, or in Preview, select any product in the  Customize. The  Product template  section will appear in the Left sidebar.

Click to this section , the Right sidebar will list all settings use to setup the Product Sidebar Layout.

1. Product image settings
  1. Images position: select Left or Right
  2. Width Content: select Small or Mediumor Large
  3. Image size: select Natural or Square (1:1)or Landscape (4:3)or Portrait (2:3)
  4. Thumbnail position: select None or Leftor Rightor Bottom
  5. Enable zoom image
  6. Enable video looping
  7. Enable navigaiton
  8. Enable pagination

2. Group functions: Rating star, Earn reward points and Size Chart
  1. Rating star: It needs 3rd party Shopify App to work. We recommend Product Review App
    You can use any other App but must input the code syntax into the Code rating star field.

  2. Earn reward points: In our demo is a sample demo function. You also need 3rd party Shopify App to work. We recommend Smile: Rewards & Loyalty
  3. Size Chart: It will appear when your product has Size option
    - Show size chart
    - Title variant show size chart. This is Options Mapping
    - Size chart image
    - Size chart text
    - Size chart URL

3. Group buttons

Settings to control the Dynamic checkout buttons (Buy Now) and Wishlist button.

4. Terms & Conditions

Settings to config the Terms & Conditions.

  • Show terms & conditions
  • Heading
  • Action text
  • Content popup: select the Page to show popup content.

5. Information area
  1. Shipping infomration: It Shipping information with Deal countdown timer.
    - Show shipping infomration
    - Shipping date: the theme will count the current date with this date to show the target date.
    - Deal time: showing the countdown timer.

  2. FAQs area: This is the Ask us any Question in our live demo. Click to it will show the Contact form.
    - Show FAQs
    - FAQs heading

  3. Details area: Showing product information
    - Show details
    - Detail heading
    - Show SKU
    - Show product vendor
    - Show product type
    - Show inventory management

  4. Decription area:
    - Show product decription
    - Description heading

  5. Bundle Products: showing other products that your customer can purchase with the viewing product.
    - Show bundle
    - Bundle title

    To showing other products in bundle, you need follow these steps:
       - Step #1: From Your Shopify AdminSettingsMetafieldsProducts

       - Step #2: click to top/right Add Definition button, then input new field value:
                Name:Product bundle
                Description:Product bundle
                Select content type:JSON

       - Step #3: get products handle of these products that appear in the bundle. You can find the handle at the url/address of product.

                For example, we want 3 products have hanle fashion-colorful-floral,neck-flower-embroidery-shirt, and women-vintage-v-neck into Bundle
       - Step #4: From Your Shopify AdminProductsAll Products
       - Step #5: select the product that you want show above bundle, then scroll down to Metafields area.
       - Step #6: In Product bundle row,input the JSON bundle syntax value:
                        "handle": "fashion-colorful-floral"
                        "handle": "neck-flower-embroidery-shirt"
                        "handle": "women-vintage-v-neck"

                Replace the example products handle by your products handle value.

       - That's all!

  6. Other information:
    - Payment security image
    - Show social sharing buttons

6. Left Sidebar

Product detail page also include 4 blocks content in Sidebar as Collection page (not include Sidebar - Slider images):

You can read again here.

7. Bottom Content

3 bottom blocks: Product recommendations, Recently viewed, Review (Custom HTML block), and Related Product
These blocks are also a part of blocks content.

  1. Product Recommendations: This is YOU MAY ALSO LIKE block in our live demo.
    It displays an automatically-generated list of product recommendations. Detailed here

    Under the Product template select YOU MAY ALSO LIKE(the exactly name depend on Heading field). The Right sidebar will list all settings use to setup the this section.

    - Heading
    - Position
    - Display on
    - Limit products show
    - Slider group settings
    - Responsive group settings

  2. Recently viewed: This is RECENTLY VIEWED PRODUCTS block in our live demo.
    It displays the recently viewed products. It will display blank when you access the first product.

    Under the Product template select RECENTLY VIEWED PRODUCTS(the exactly name depend on Heading field). The Right sidebar will list all settings use to setup the this section.

    - Heading
    - Position
    - Display on
    - Limit products show
    - Slider group settings
    - Responsive group settings

  3. Custom HTML block: This block use to show any custom HTML content. In our live demo, we use to show the Review area.

    Under the Product template select CUSTOMER REVIEWS(the exactly name depend on Heading field). The Right sidebar will list all settings use to setup the this section.

    - Enable to review
    - Position
    - Display on
    - HTML code: input the review of 3rd party code.

  4. The config and result the same Product recommendations. Currently in our live demo, it appear in the Sidebar as Best Sale block.

Advance Product Type

1. Setting up the product using Advance Product Type layout

This layout is not active as default for all products. So, You need set products using this layout manually.

  1. From Your Shopify AdminProductsAll Products
  2. select product that you want to set to use Advance Product Type layout
  3. scroll down to see the Online store right/bottom sidebar.
  4. set the Theme template is advance

2. Accessing the Advance Product Type layout in Customize

After setup the product using the Advance Product Type layout, you can go to Customize to control the layout settings.

  1. From Customize (Theme Editor) Select View page is Productsadvance

  2. The  Product template  section will appear in the Left sidebar.
  3. Click to this section , the Right sidebar will list all settings use to setup the Product Product Type Layout

The Advance Product Type layout is the same Product Sidebar Layout, the only difference is the new Choose style: feature. It will display other product's styles with the viewing product.

In this case, we will guide how to active the Choose style: feature. Other settings area (Product image settings, Group functions, Group buttons, Sidebar, Bottom content,... ) please help us read again the guide.

3. Advance Product Type: Choose style feature
  1. From Your Shopify AdminOnline StoreNavigationAdd menu
  2. Input the title and remember the handle in the right.
  3. In Menu items, add a new menu item with Name is Product name will showing in Choose style and the Link must be the link of the target product.

  4. From Your Shopify AdminProductsAll Products, select product above that used Advance Product Type layout
  5. Add new tag value with syntax advance:Navigation_handle
    For example, the Navigation above have handle is advance-01, so need tag the tag advance:advance-01 into product

  6. Result:

Group Images Variants

1. Setting up the product using Group Images Variants layout

This layout is not active as default for all products. So, You need set products using this layout manually.

  1. From Your Shopify AdminProductsAll Products
  2. select product that you want to set to use Group Images Variants layout
  3. scroll down to see the Online store right/bottom sidebar.
  4. set the Theme template is groupimages

2. Accessing the Group Images Variants layout in Customize

After setup the product using the Group Images Variants layout, you can go to Customize to control the layout settings.

  1. From Customize (Theme Editor) Select View page is Productsgroupimages

  2. The  Product template  section will appear in the Left sidebar.
  3. Click to this section , the Right sidebar will list all settings use to setup the Group Images Variants Layout

The Group Images Variants layout is the same Product Sidebar Layout, the only difference is only showing images of the selected variant. For example, only show Pink images in the gallery when the Pink variant is selected.

In this case, we will guide how to active the Group Images Variants feature. Other settings area (Product image settings, Group functions, Group buttons, Sidebar, Bottom content,... ) please help us read again the guide.

3. Group Images Variants feature

  1. The product must have a Color option
  2. The Color option must have a least 2 variant values.
  3. Product media must have group images for each color

  1. Click to each Media (Image)
  2. Click to the Add alt text blue text link in the Right Sidebar
  3. Add the image alt with syntax color COLOR_VARIANT_VALUE
  4. For example, you want the image to appear in the listing of Pink color, need to input the tag Color Pink
  5. Click to save alt text
  6. Close the popup and continue for another image.

Product Box Layout

1. Setting up the product using Product Box layout

This layout is not active as default for all products. So, You need set products using this layout manually.

  1. From Your Shopify AdminProductsAll Products
  2. select product that you want to set to use Product Box layout
  3. scroll down to see the Online store right/bottom sidebar.
  4. set the Theme template is box

2. Accessing the Product Box layout in Customize

After setup the product using the Product Box layout, you can go to Customize to control the layout settings.

  1. From Customize (Theme Editor) Select View page is Productsbox

  2. The  Product template  section will appear in the Left sidebar.
  3. Click to this section , the Right sidebar will list all settings use to setup the Product Box Layout

The Product Box layout is the same Product Sidebar Layout, the only difference is the layout (no sidebar)

Please help us read again the guide for all layout settings.

Product Group Items

1. Setting up the product using Product Group Items layout

This layout is not active as default for all products. So, You need set products using this layout manually.

  1. From Your Shopify AdminProductsAll Products
  2. select product that you want to set to use Product Group Items layout
  3. scroll down to see the Online store right/bottom sidebar.
  4. set the Theme template is groupitems

2. Accessing the Product Group Items layout in Customize

After setup the product using the Product Group Items layout, you can go to Customize to control the layout settings.

  1. From Customize (Theme Editor) Select View page is Productsgroupitems

  2. The  Product template  section will appear in the Left sidebar.
  3. Click to this section , the Right sidebar will list all settings use to setup the Product Group Items Layout

The Product Group Items layout is the same Product Sidebar Layout, the only difference is Discount Information and group Items listing.

In this case, we will guide how to active the Discount Information and Group Items listing feature. Other settings area (Product image settings, Group functions, Group buttons, Sidebar, Bottom content,... ) please help us read again the guide.

3. Discount Information

From settings of Product template appear in the Right sidebar, select DISCOUNT.
Input content of Sub heading, Heading, and Subtext field

4. Group Items listing
  1. From Your Shopify AdminSettingsMetafieldsProducts

  2. click to top/right Add Definition button, then input new field value:
    - Name:Product group
    - Description:Product group
    - Select content type:JSON

  3. get products handle of these products that appear in the group items listing. You can find the handle at the url/address of product.

    For example, we want 4 products have hanle printed-loose-asymmetric-blouses,women-fashion-tropical-fruit, women-fashion-contrast-color, and vintage-blue-totem-floral into Group items listing
  4. From Your Shopify AdminProductsAll Products
  5. Select the product that you want show group items, then scroll down to Metafields area.
  6. In Product group row,input the JSON bundle syntax value:
          "handle": "printed-loose-asymmetric-blouses"
          "handle": "women-fashion-tropical-fruit"
          "handle": "women-vintage-v-neck"
          "handle": "women-fashion-contrast-color",

    Replace the example products handle by your products handle value.
  7. That's all!

Product Stacked 1

1. Setting up the product using Product Stacked 1 layout

This layout is not active as default for all products. So, You need set products using this layout manually.

  1. From Your Shopify AdminProductsAll Products
  2. select product that you want to set to use Product Stacked 1 layout
  3. scroll down to see the Online store right/bottom sidebar.
  4. set the Theme template is stacked-1

2. Accessing the Product Stacked 1 layout in Customize

After setup the product using the Product Stacked 1 layout, you can go to Customize to control the layout settings.

  1. From Customize (Theme Editor) Select View page is Productsstacked-1

  2. The  Product template  section will appear in the Left sidebar.
  3. Click to this section , the Right sidebar will list all settings use to setup the Product Stacked 1 Layout

The Product Stacked 1 layout is the same Product Sidebar Layout, the only difference is the layout (no sidebar and stacked style 1 gallery)

Please help us read again the guide for all layout settings.

Product Stacked 2

1. Setting up the product using Product Stacked 2 layout

This layout is not active as default for all products. So, You need set products using this layout manually.

  1. From Your Shopify AdminProductsAll Products
  2. select product that you want to set to use Product Stacked 2 layout
  3. scroll down to see the Online store right/bottom sidebar.
  4. set the Theme template is stacked-2

2. Accessing the Product Stacked 2 layout in Customize

After setup the product using the Product Stacked 2 layout, you can go to Customize to control the layout settings.

  1. From Customize (Theme Editor) Select View page is Productsstacked-2

  2. The  Product template  section will appear in the Left sidebar.
  3. Click to this section , the Right sidebar will list all settings use to setup the Product Stacked 2 Layout

The Product Stacked 2 layout is the same Product Sidebar Layout, the only difference is the layout (no sidebar and stacked style 2 gallery)

Please help us read again the guide for all layout settings.

Customize Product Feature & Layout Options

Product Preorder

This layout will replace the Add to cart button with the Pre-order button

Conditional of product have this button:

  • Track quantity: Active
  • Quantity: 0
  • Continue selling when out of stock: Active

Product 3D Model

Affordable Theme support 3D Model in Gallery.
You can upload 3D Model image with *.GLB format into Media area.

Product Images Swatch

This layout will show the Color/Image option as an Image variant.

You need set Options Mapping of Color/Image into Color:image/Image:image

Product Right Sidebar

This layout is different from the Default layout in the Sidebar from Left to Right.

From Default Sidebar layout, You need to set the Position of 4 Sidebar blocks from Left sidebar to Right sidebar.

Product Bottom Thumbnails

From Default Sidebar layout, You need remove 4 Sidebar blocks and set Thumbnail position to Bottom.

Product Right Thumbnails

From Default Sidebar layout, You need remove 4 Sidebar blocks and set Thumbnail position to Right.

Product Not Thumbnails

From Default Sidebar layout, You need remove 4 Sidebar blocks and set Thumbnail position to None.

Blog Page

Blog Right Sidebar

  1. From Customize (Theme Editor) Select View page is BlogsDefault blog

  2. The  Blog template section will appear in the Left sidebar. Click to this section , the Right sidebar will list all settings use to setup the Blog listing page.

  3. Under Blog template section, will list all sidebar blocks. You also can click to Add block button to add a new or more sidebar block.

Blog template section include settings:

  • Show view as List/Grid: select List or Grid
  • Limit articles show: input the limit number.
  • Responsive width: 6 range value from Wide Desktop to Mobile to showing product per line.

Under Blog template section, will list all Blog sidebar blocks. You also can click to Add block button to add a new or more sidebar block.

  • Listing (Category):
    - Heading
    - Position: select Left sidebar or Right sidebar
    - Link list: pick the Menu/Navigation to show the blogs listing.

  • Recent Articles (Recent posts):
    - Heading
    - Position: select Left sidebar or Right sidebar
    - Select blog: to show articles listing.
    - Limit

  • Banner:
    - Heading
    - Position: select Left sidebar or Right sidebar
    - Upload banner
    - Link banner

Blog Left Sidebar

This layout is different from the Default layout in the Sidebar from Right to Left.

From Default layout, You need to set the Position of 4 Sidebar blocks from Right sidebar to Left sidebar.

Blog Not Sidebar

This layout is different from the Default layout in No Sidebar.

From Default layout, You need to set remove 4 Sidebar blocks.

Blog Grid

This layout is different from the Default layout in the listing in Grid.

From Default layout, You need to set remove 4 Sidebar blocks. Then, set Show view as List/Grid to Grid

Blog Grid Right Sidebar

This layout is different from the Default layout in the listing in Grid with Right Sidebar.

From Default layout, You need to set Show view as List/Grid to Grid

Blog Grid Left Sidebar

This layout is different from the Default layout in the listing in Grid with Left Sidebar.

From Default layout, You need to set Show view as List/Grid to Grid. Then, set the Position of 4 Sidebar blocks from Right sidebar to Left sidebar

Post Right Sidebar (Default)

  1. From Customize (Theme Editor) Select View page is Blog PostsDefault blog post

  2. The  Artile template section will appear in the Left sidebar. Click to this section , the Right sidebar will list all settings use to setup the Blog listing page.

  3. Under Artile template section, will list all sidebar blocks. You also can click to Add block button to add a new or more sidebar block.

Artile template section include settings:

  • Enable sidebar mobile
  • Enable blog name
  • Enable author
  • Enable date
  • Image size: select Natural or Square (1:1)or Landscape (4:3)or Portrait (2:3)
  • Enable social sharing
  • Enable tags

  • Related article: showing Articles the same Blog
    - Enable related article
    - Heading
    - Auto-play slides
    - Change slides every
    - Slide effect
    - Space between images
    - Slider settings
    - Responsive width

Under Article template section, will list all Blog sidebar blocks. You also can click to Add block button to add a new or more sidebar block. These sidebar blocks the same in Blogs page, you can read at again here.

Post Left Sidebar

This layout is different from the Default layout in the Sidebar from Right to Left.

From Default layout, You need to set the Position of 4 Sidebar blocks from Right sidebar to Left sidebar.

Post Not Sidebar

This layout is different from the Default layout in No Sidebar.

From Default layout, You need to set remove 4 Sidebar blocks.

Cart & Checkout Page

Cart Page

  1. From Customize (Theme Editor) Select View page is CartPassword

  2. The  Cart items and Cart footer

1. The Cart items section

This section include 1 option: Enable continue shopping

2. The Cart footer section

This section include options:

  • Enable cart note
  • Shipping rates calculator: This is shipping estimates, it will not added to Total price after caalculate.,
    - Enable shipping calculator?
    - Heading
    - Heading country
    - Heading Zip/Postal Code
    - Default country selection
    - Submit button label
    - Submit button label when calculating

Checkout Page

From Customize (Theme Editor)Theme settingsCheckout

Please read again at here

CMS Pages

About us Page

  1. From Your Shopify AdminOnline StorePages
  2. Select page that you want to set to use About us page layout or create a new page by clicking to Add page
  3. At the Online store (right/bottom sidebar), set the Theme template is about

  4. After that, Go to Customize (Theme Editor) Select View page is Pagesabout

  5. The  Page   and About section will appear in the Left sidebar.
1. The Page section

This section include 2 options:
- Enable title: show page Title.
- Enable content: show the content of the page.

By default, this section has been disabled. You can enable it by clicking to eye icon near the About text.

2. The About section
  • Quote Store: include options
    - Set active this block
    - Heading
    - Name & Position: in default it show HTML content.

  • Our Story: include options
    - Set active this block
    - Subtext
    - Upload banner

  • Information Store: include options
    - Set active this block
    - Upload banner
    - SubAddress: Title
    - Address: Caption
    - Phone: Title
    - Phone: Caption
    - Email: Title
    - Email: Caption
    - Social: Title. It will listing all social icons.

  • Our Team: include options
    - Set active this block
    - Heading
    - Slider settings
    - Responsive settings

    Under About section, will list all Members. You also can click to Add Staff button to add a new or more Members.

Contact Page Page

  1. From Your Shopify AdminOnline StorePages
  2. Select page that you want to set to use Contact us page layout or create a new page by clicking to Add page
  3. At the Online store (right/bottom sidebar), set the Theme template is contact

  4. After that, Go to Customize (Theme Editor) Select View page is Pagescontact

  5. The  Page , Contact detail , Contact form , and Map section will appear in the Left sidebar.
1. The Page section

This section include 2 options:
- Enable title: show page Title.
- Enable content: show the content of the page.

By default, this section has been disabled. You can enable it by clicking to eye icon near the About text.

2. The Contact detail section

This section include option:
- Heading

Under Contact detail section, will list all Information blocks. You also can click to Add Item button to add a new or more. Each Item include option to show icon, Heading, Subtext and Responsive width.

3. The Contact form section

This section include 2 options:
- Heading
- Sub heading

4. The Map section

This section include options:
- Display on
- Layout
- Map iframe

Follow below image to know how to get the Map iframe

FAQs Page

  1. From Your Shopify AdminOnline StorePages
  2. Select page that you want to set to use Contact us page layout or create a new page by clicking to Add page
  3. At the Online store (right/bottom sidebar), set the Theme template is faq

  4. After that, Go to Customize (Theme Editor) Select View page is Pagesfaq

  5. The  Page and FAQs section will appear in the Left sidebar.
1. The Page section

This section include 2 options:
- Enable title: show page Title.
- Enable content: show the content of the page.

By default, this section has been disabled. You can enable it by clicking to eye icon near the About text.

2. The FAQs section

This section include options to control Questions and Form:
- Set active this block
- Heading

Under FAQs section, will list all question blocks. You also can click to Add Question button to add a new or more. Each Item include option to show Heading and Content.

Lookbook Page

  1. From Your Shopify AdminOnline StorePages
  2. Select page that you want to set to use Contact us page layout or create a new page by clicking to Add page
  3. At the Online store (right/bottom sidebar), set the Theme template is lookbook

  4. After that, Go to Customize (Theme Editor) Select View page is Pageslookbook

  5. The  Page and FAQs section will appear in the Left sidebar.
1. The Page section

This section include 2 options:
- Enable title: show page Title.
- Enable content: show the content of the page.

By default, this section has been disabled. You can enable it by clicking to eye icon near the About text.

2. The Lookbook section

Under Lookbook section, will list all question blocks. You also can click to Add Lookbook Gallery button to add a new or more. Each Lookbook Gallery include option to upload 3 images.

Wish list Page

  1. From Your Shopify AdminOnline StorePages
  2. Create a new page by clicking to Add page
  3. Input Title: must be Wish list
  4. At the Online store (right/bottom sidebar), set the Theme template is wish-list

  5. After that, Go to Customize (Theme Editor) Select View page is Pageswish-list

  6. The  Page section will appear in the Left sidebar.
The Page section

This section include 2 options:
- Enable title: show page Title.
- Enable content: show the content of the page.

Compare Page

  1. From Your Shopify AdminOnline StorePages
  2. Create a new page by clicking to Add page
  3. Input Title: must be Compare
  4. At the Online store (right/bottom sidebar), set the Theme template is compare

  5. After that, Go to Customize (Theme Editor) Select View page is Pagescompare

  6. The  Page section will appear in the Left sidebar.
The Page section

This section include 2 options:
- Enable title: show page Title.
- Enable content: show the content of the page.

Coming Soon Page

This is the Password page. It will show when your store has Password protection option is enabled.

  1. From Customize (Theme Editor) Select View page is OthersPassword

  2. The  Password content section will appear in the Left sidebar.
    Settings include:
    - Heading
    - Timer (Syntax YYYY/MM/DD HH:MM:SS)
    - Timer Text
    - Background
  3. Under Password content section, will list Subheading and Email form section.

404 Error Page

This page will show when you access the wrong link (page not found).

  1. From Customize (Theme Editor) Select View page is Others404 page

  2. The  404 template section will appear in the Left sidebar.
    Settings include:
    - Upload background
    - Subheading
    - Heading
    - Caption

Privacy Policy Page

  1. From Your Shopify AdminSettingsPolicies
  2. Scroll to Privacy policy
  3. Input your content for this page.

Refund Policy Page

  1. From Your Shopify AdminSettingsPolicies
  2. Scroll to Refund policy
  3. Input your content for this page.

Terms & conditions Page

  1. From Your Shopify AdminSettingsPolicies
  2. Scroll to Terms of service
  3. Input your content for this page.

Shipping Policy Page

  1. From Your Shopify AdminSettingsPolicies
  2. Scroll to Shipping policy
  3. Input your content for this page.

Edit Language

Any text in the theme that can not be found in these above Settings, can be found here.

From Your Shopify AdminOnline StoreThemesActionsEdit Language

In default Affordable Theme only supports English Text. The listing translate Text displayed. Each page will list in a different tab.

You can type the original text (display text) in Search tool

Change the theme to other Language

  1. Clicking to Change theme language in the top/right area

  2. Select your language in Popup

  3. Add/Replace your language translate text in the right field. Don't replace anything in the syntax {{..}}

Change Log

Jan 06, 2022

Reversion 10


PublishInitial release

Request Support

If you have any question not included in this help file, please feel free to post it on our Support system Thank so much!